مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الاجتماعية
Volume 5, Numéro 10, Pages 85-97

مكانة المسنين ورعايتهم في الأسرة الجزائرية

الكاتب : مراد بوبركة . محمد حمداوي .


Abstract: Turning in this article to the position and care of the life stage important in the community, has not received right from the study. Especially with regard to field study, namely the elderly and I focused on the elderly, because it is a class despite its importance in the community except she is do not receive the interest necessary like the rest society such as women and youth. And I has collected between status and care because the status of every one are determined the degree of interest family members and members of the society.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الدور – المكانة – الرعاية – المسنين – الأسرة