Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 19-36

درجة امتلاك الطلاب في كليات محافظة القويعية بجامعة شقراء في المملكة العربية السعودية لمستويات الذكاء المتعدد

الكاتب : نايف عبد العزيز المطوع .


This study aimed to find out the degree of possession of students in the faculties of the University of Al-Quway'iyah blonde in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the levels of multiple intelligences. To achieve the objective of the study was applied measurement tool (questionnaire) After verification of the psychometric properties of the tool, the tool has been included on the 80 paragraph. The study sample consisted of 365 students, where they were extracting averages and standard deviations of the estimates study sample to the questionnaire, as well as the use of variance analysis (ONE-WAY- ANOVA) to compare the sample responses of the study on the measurement tool depending on the variable College while the use test "T" T-test for two independent groups to compare the study sample estimates depending on the variables of specialization.

الكلمات المفتاحية

multiple intelligences; psychometric properties ; students

درجة ممارسة مديري ومديرات المدارس في محافظة القويعية للقيادة التحويلية من وجهة نظرهم

الحضيبي إبراهيم بن عبد الرحمن .  أبو عبيد أحمد علي خلف . 
ص 21-43.