FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ
Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 380-392

صراع الأجيال وحوار الثّقافات في رواية "التّلميذ والّدرس" لمالك حدّاد

الكاتب : بوزيد نسيمة .


Over more than a century, Algeria has been colonized by the French authorities. During this period, the French colonialism tried hard to abolish the Algerian identity. He also attempted to make from the French culture a source of everything. This, the French colonialism gave birth to a new generation who know only few about their mother language including the Algerian writer Malek Haddad who said once about eh Algerian revolution, “My tragedies manifested, I am now standing in front of you, without knowing how to communicate. Malek Haddad was dreaming of a better future where Algeria is free. Through his poetry, he was addressing the French people using their own language as well as their culture which he learned from them. this was a way to fight against oppression and slavery. Haddad was a member of the generation of herses who didn’t fail to serve their country. His arability to write in Arabic language has affected him. He declared so many times “The French language is my exile where I live”.

الكلمات المفتاحية

التلميذ والدرس، مالك حداد ، الأدب الجزائري المكتوب بالفرنسية، صراع الأجيال.