Volume 5, Numéro 3, Pages 367-380

Artificial Intelligence Versus Human Intelligence In The Analysis Of Context During The Translation Process: An Applied Study

Authors : Taibi Abdelhafid . Louaer Hassina .


Recently, power turn has emerged as a significant development in the translation field, particularly in the realm of machine translation. This shift has transitioned the practice from being exclusively human-driven to automated where machines are now competing with humans. Given that meaning serves as the driving force behind every translation process, context plays a pivotal role in enabling the translator to attain it. The present paper explores the importance of context in comprehension process and examines artificial intelligence’s capability to rival human intelligence in contextualization and accurately conveying meaning through translation. Within this endeavour, we utilize the Deepl tool software to compare artificial intelligence generated translations with those produced by humans. Our results reveal that a prevalent issue in artificial intelligence translation is the occurrence of 'translationese'.


Artificial Intelligence ; context ; Deepl ; meaning ; translationese ; translation process