Volume 5, Numéro 3, Pages 151-162

Questioning The Usefulness Of The Bilingual Dictionary In Print Format As A Translation Aid In The Age Of Chatgpt

Authors : Koudded Mohamed . Cojocaru Alina .


The diversity of fields of knowledge and the huge quantity of information produced in various languages have brought forth the necessity to enable readers of different languages to discover the contributions of other academics to their respective fields of knowledge. This article tries to shed light on the usefulness of dictionaries in print format as translation aids in the age of ChatGPT, either in translation training or in professional translation practice. It poses the following research question: To what extent is the bilingual dictionary in print format still a useful translation aid in the age of ChatGPT? Extracts are taken from advertisement documents to check the validity of the hypothesis.


Print format dictionary ; Bilingual dictionary ; Translation aid ; ChatGPT