Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 250-255

Deciphering The Ontology Of Racial Cultural Politics In Black Super Heroes Comic Narratives

Authors : Sarkar Priyanko .


The origin of the superheroes genre in popular graphic narratives medium provides a new hindsight to the genre of children's literature. However, with the introduction of black racial politics in the superheroes genre there arose a cultural shift to the conception of superheroes with the advent of DC and Marvel comic book universes black superheroes gained a popular place in the new comic books medium which provided spaces for creativity critique as a celebration in resulting in new ways of understanding the world and their place within it. Besides it reflects how black superheroes struggle to maintain their own racial and cultural identity against the white(imperialist) capitalist policy of assimilation and marginalization.


Black superheroes, DC and Marvel comic book universes, white capitalist society, marginalization