لغة كلام
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 49-68

قراءة في زحافات الرّجز وحدود القافية في نظمِ السّلسبيل الشافي لعثمان بن سليمان مراد

الكاتب : عمر الشريف علي أبو حنيفة . محمد عبد الله آل مزّاح القحطاني .


This paper aims at describing the forms of Alregz metric morphemes; as applied to Assalsabeil Ashshafi book by Othman bin Suliman murad. It also investigates the limits of the rhyme scheme and its shape in the same source using the descriptive analytical method.. Accordingly, the following findings were reached: All possible metric morphemes were used in some of Assalsabeil lines and prose and all shapes of the rhyme schemes were used in this source.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Assalsabeil – Alregz - metric morphemes – ailments – Poetic necessity – Rhyme.