Volume 11, Numéro 22, Pages 103-118

الرؤية الحلمية بين إدجار ألان بو والثبيتي (دراسة مقارنة بين قصيدتي"حلم داخل حلم، وتهجّيت حلما")

الكاتب : بن محسن ضباب منصور .


This paper talks about a comparative study between two poets from different cultures, Arab poet, Mohammed Al- Thubiti in his poem “I pronounced a dream”, and American poet, Edgar Allan Poe in his poem “a dream within a dream”, in terms of using the dream in there two poems and how each of them look at the dream. This study analyses the poems through two ways first by the dreaming vision levels, directly and indirectly level , and the way of how they using the dreaming vision which is divided in two sections, the documentary, and expressionism using.

الكلمات المفتاحية
