مجلة البحوث و الدراسات الإنسانية
Volume 8, Numéro 2, Pages 223-248

تقييـــم فعاليـــة برنامــــج جماعة المدمنين المجهـــولين على نسق القيم لدى مدمني المخــدرات.

الكاتب : تيايبيــة عبد الغاني .


For as long as the group was the individual fortress and refuge Security to face a lot of adversity and remain occupies this position in the life of individual and group in the areas most mysterious and complex as the current study provides further evidence of the role of the group in the face of one of the risks that threaten individual and group life despite the accumulation of efforts and synergy addictive still on drug represents one challenge that has yet to find a definitive solution to community organizations a definitive solution is still drug addiction is a real threat to many of the addicts in the physical and mental health, their work and their relationships with their families and others in the community is that one of the means of defense, which came out of the community's conflict with this disorder is a group of drug addicts anonymous That is one of the groups in the face of disorder. Unintended chronic groups, which is called mutual assistance or self-came here and this research to answer a question the effectiveness of this group for on drugs through a pivotal variable in individual personality in particular a pattern values

الكلمات المفتاحية

evaluation, effectiveness, program Narcotics Anonymous group, format values, drug addicts.