المجلة الدولية للاتصال الاجتماعي
Volume 9, Numéro 3, Pages 558-578

Arabic Diglossic Switching In Radio Broadcasting: The Case Of Ain Temouchent Local Radio

Authors : Amar Bekada Horiya . Benhattab Abdelkader Lotfi .


The present paper sheds light on the phenomenon of Arabic diglossic switching among radio broadcasters and examines the circumstances under which this linguistic phenomenon is adopted by Ain Temouchent radio broadcasters. Our main interest is to investigate the factors that govern this language contact situation by analysing radio broadcasters’ attitudes towards the use of the two Arabic varieties namely Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Algerian Arabic (AA). The research study consists of audio taped material (recordings) for data analysis. The findings show that Arabic diglossic switching is shaped by socio-cultural circumstances which deeply influence the spread of a mixed variety termed as ‘Educated Spoken Arabic' ; a variety which represents a strategy of communication adopted in order to deliver a clear and easy message to the large audience.


Arabic language ; diglossia ; code switching ; Arabic diglossic switching ; Modern Standard Arabic ; Algerian Arabic ; mixed variety ; Radio broadcasting