Bulletin des sciences géographiques de l'INCT
Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 9-15

Determination And Analysis Of Stations Coordinates Based On Starlette And Lageos-1 &-2 Satellites Laser Ranging Data

Authors : Gourine B . Kahlouche S . Belbachi M.f .


The present work deals with the calculation of International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) network notonly based on observations of both LAGEOS satellites but also on those of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites,such as Starlette. The hallenge is to achieve good quality on stations coordinates by inter-satellite combination of High and Lovv satellites data. The orbit restitution of the diffèrent satellites is can•ied out by GINS softvvare (GRGS, France) and the laser data Processing is performed with MATLO software (OCA & IGN, France), for a relatively long period of 14 years between October 1993 and February 2007). The preliminary results about the analysis of 14 years SLR data combination, in order to study the Terrestrial Reference Frames (TRF) are presented and discussed.


Orbit restitution, Inter-satellite combi­nation, SLR technique, Spectral analysis, Noise study.