Bulletin des sciences géographiques de l'INCT
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 21-33

Gps Cinématique: Application Aérienne Aérophotogrammétrie Par Gps

Auteurs : Abdellaoui H .


Aerophotogrammetry is one of the various application of kinematic GPS In bundle adjustment of an aerotniangulated photogrammetric block, the unknown parameters of external orientation contains the coord inates of the projection centres of the camera and to be determined Even if these coordinates are normally of no interest in photogrammetry, they are inherent in the geometrical model. Conventionally. for the stabilisation and the orientation of a photogrammetric block . a certain amount of control points on the ground are requited Where the coordinates of the projection centres are determined by kinema tic GPS ,however, this information may be used in the bundle adjustment In study with synthetic data , the accuracy potential of a combined GPS/bundle solution was demonstrated and the favourable structure of such a system with respect to the determinability of the additional parameter tort self­ calibration was shown The consequence is a significant reduction of the number of control points on the ground needed for orientation . The basic idea is to replace the control points on the ground by control points on the flight trajectory ( projection centres of the camera) which are determined by GPS But the crucial question is whether it is possible to fix the ambiguities to integers more robust method for was dealing with this problem required The results presented here in this paper are part of the first Test-Project of National Institute of Cartography in this field , and the data processing has done in the laboratory of Geodetic and Navigat ion /University of Federal Armed Forces /Munich, with two software TOPAS and PHARAO.

Mots clés

aérophotogrammétrie- TOPAS-PHARAO-GPS Cinématique-