مجلة التغير الاجتماعي
Volume 6, Numéro 2, Pages 35-54

Drawing Tests As A Tool To Detect Violence And Aggression In Primary School Students.

الكاتب : Lahmer Fadhila .


Abstract: Many school children face problems that are often caused by some prejudices or mistakes made by teachers, or by most members of the educational body, from their supervisors and administrators, among which is the stigmatization of aggression and violence. Most psychologists recognize that the diagnosis of aggression and violence in children is not easy. Some behaviors that the teacher considers to be aggressive and violent are not necessarily aggressive. Once a student has been stigmatized as violent or aggressive, The student is already exposed to psychological disorders that may be serious at times. Because of the difficulty of diagnosing aggression and violence in children because of multiple overlap of symptoms, where no definitive diagnosis can be made, the use of drawing tests by psychologists may help differentiate between what is actually violence and aggression and what are the symptoms of other social problems, or just a tradition of some Animated graphics, electronic games, or movies. In this study we aim to reveal the most important signs of violence and aggression in the primary stage students, relying on a clinical approach and the technique of case study, and its tools of interviews, observation and analysis of drawing tests.

الكلمات المفتاحية

drawing tests ; diagnosing aggression; ; primary stage students