مجلة النص
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 348-382

تجليّات العجائبيّ في رواية " عين التّينة " للدّكتورعبد المالك مرتاض

الكاتب : حاج سعيد سعاد .


العجائبيّ كإتّجاه سرديّ روائيّ جديد ظهر ليكسّر محاكاة الواقع والمنطق إلى اللّاواقع واللّاعقل عبر خاصيتي التّعجيب والتّغريب وهو كمصطلح نقدي ترجمة لمصطلح .(fantastique) ومن بين الأسماء الجزائريّة اللّامعة في سماء الرّواية الجزائريّة الأديب عبد المالك مرتاض ، الّذي يعتبره البعض رائد الرّواية العجائبيّة بأعماله المتميّزة ، فقد وظّف العجائبيّ وسيلة لبناء محكيّة تبعد عن القارئ رتابة التوتّر وهو ما جسّده في آخر إبداعاته الّروائيّة "عين التّينة" حيث تبنّى فيها السّرد العجائبيّ فضمن عنصر التّشويق عند القارئ وتعدّد احتمالات الإمكان ، مخيّلة أدبيّة يتجاوز الراّوي من خلالها المسكوت عنه ليعبّر عن قناعاته ومعاناته ورؤاه السّياسيّة والاجتماعية. The miraculous as a new narrative, novelist trend that appeared to break the simulation of reality and logic into the unreal and the irrational through the properties of wonder and alienation, which as a critical term is a translation of the term fantastique. And since the miraculous narration reveals the textual overlap that derives its critical theoretical value and operant efficacy from its standing at the point of intersection or convergence of the structural analysis of texts and literary works, I referred to its first sources of authentic heritage, including the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Message of the Disciples and Whirlwinds by Ibn Shahid, A Thousand and One Nights, then traveler's literature and its richness in the miraculous presence, most of them are narratives stemming from imagination and at the same time drawing their strength from the present reality, making the reader confused between reality and the unreal. Among the illustrious Algerian names in the sky of the Algerian novel is the writer Abdel Malek Mortad, who is considered by some to be the pioneer of the miraculous novel by his distinguished work. The miraculous man employed a means to build a narrative that takes away from the reader the monotony of tension, which is what he embodied in his latest novelistic creativity, “Ain al-Tineh”. Within the reader's element of interest and the multiplicity of possibilities, there is a literary imagination through which the narrator transcends the silent in order to express his convictions, his suffering, and his political and social visions.

الكلمات المفتاحية

العجائبيّ.، روافده.، عبد المالك مرتاض.، عالم الرّواية.، تجليّات العجائبيّ ; the miraculous; its tributaries ; The world of the novel; The manifestations of the miraculous