مجلة الحكمة للدراسات التاريخية
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 101-118

Genus And Origin Of Human Rights

Authors : Yahya Ibraheem Yero .


Problem Statement: It is claimed by the west and their surrogates that the world first derived the concept of basic human rights from the Magna Carter of Britain which was signed in 1215, that is, about 582 years after the advent of Islam. In reality, the West had no concept of human and civil rights before the 17th century and it was not until the end of the 18th century that the concept took on practical meaning in the constitution of U.S.A. and France. Later in the middle of the 20th century, the UN made a declaration of universal human rights but in spite of all the UN resolutions, human rights are continuously violated and trampled upon. Research Objective: The objective of this research paper is to put the historical accounts/origin of these rights in proper perspective. These rights were given by Allah to the people and have preceded – by about 6 centuries – the ones given to them by the Magna Carter of 1215, the Petition of Rights of 1628, the Bill of Rights of 1689, the American Declaration of Independence of 1776, the French Declaration of Human and Citizens Right of 1789, the Soviet Union Declaration of 1336 which was reiterated in 1977, the League of Nations endorsement of them in 1919, the Atlantic Charter of 1941, and the Dumbarton International Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. The rights given by Allah to His servants cannot be compared in any way with the rights sanctioned by the UN, let alone be superseded. Research Methodology: The method adopted in this research is descriptive and analytical in nature. It examines and analyses relevant data on the origin and types of human rights as declared by Islam on the one hand, and the West and their international institutions on the other. Significance of the Research: The significance of this research lies in proclaiming and reaffirming to the world that Islam is ahead of the West and their International Institutions in terms of declaring basic universal human rights to humanity. And that the so-called UN declaration of human rights is nothing but a slogan to perpetuate Western imperialism. The codification of these rights is pregnant with deception, hypocrisy, double-standards, and insincerity. Expected Finding: It is hoped that at the end of this research, it will be clear to objective minds that the UN Charter on human rights is a woeful failure and full of deficiencies. The UN has failed to monitor its implementation or check the excesses of its bullying members. And that the world stands to gain a lot by upholding the declaration of Islam on human rights.


Concepts, Genus, Origin, Human Rights, IHR, UDHR, Qur’an, Allah