مجلة الاداب واللغات
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 152-163

Stili Di Apprendimento Dell’italiano Come Ls. Caso Di Studio, Gli Studenti Del Secondo Anno Di Laurea Triennale, All’università Di Algeri 2.

Auteurs : Boumediene Israa .


The general purpose of this research is to show the importance and the great role that the learning style process assumes in identifying teaching. To evaluate the learning styles chosen by the second year students of the Italian language, enrolled at the University of Algiers 2, I chose one of the effective tools to be able to arrive at the general intent of this paper. I proposed a questionnaire divided into 8 different questions, which aim to define the types of styles that second year students use to learn Italian. The styles are based on principles: - Individual or group work. - Dependent or independent of the field - Global or analytical etc. In the following paragraphs I propose to theoretically present the styles, providing definitions to some basic concepts, but first of all it is necessary to talk about adult learning, highlighting the neural composition that guides learning in adulthood.

Mots clés

Key words: learning, foreign languages, adult learner, styles of learning