حوسبة اللغة العربية
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 18-28

علم العروض العربي مقاربة حاسوبية الحاسوبي المحلل العروضي نمودجا

الكاتب : حمادي الموقت .


This research paper is summarized in the monitoring of a serious attempt to converge the Arabic Metric system and its sound issues from three angles: Digital, which abstractly revisits the system’s rules based on the numerical elements 0 and 1, in order to exploit its rhythmic capabilities and discover their intersections and justifications for their reduction. And Linguistics: it controls the rhythm as a directing authority and influencing the significance of the poetic text and its syntactic structure, not to mention what the rest of the linguistic levels give of relational values between the components of a single verse, then Computational view (software) that focuses on the capabilities of the computer and its techniques in building a computer program in the form of a laser disk ( CD) has the ability to fully analyze vertical poetic verses based on its sounds, units, interactions, structure, syllables, narrations, and rhymes….

الكلمات المفتاحية

Linguistics, poetic,syllables, sound, rhymes, syntactic structure, Computational