دراسات نفسية
Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 454-474

Assessment Of Executive Functions And Quality Of Life In Patients With Multiple Sclerosis (descriptive Study)

الكاتب : بولكويرات صليحة . شريفي هناء .


Abstract: The aim of this study is to show to what extent executive functions and quality of life are affected in people with multiple sclerosis (MS); to achieve this, we used the descriptive approach. The study tools consisted of observation, semi-structured interview, quality of life measurement, working memory test, Wechsler information processing speed, loop connection test, the sequential auditory addition test. The research sample included 30 randomly selected cases of multiple sclerosis patients. The study concluded that multiple sclerosis leads to a decline in executive functions and quality of life. In addition, the decline in executive functions can affect the quality of life of patients which requires neuropsychological intervention to accompany patients with multiple sclerosis at this stage of the disease. Keywords: multiple sclerosis, quality of life, executive functions.

الكلمات المفتاحية

fonction exécutive ; qualité de vie ; sclérose en plaque