مجلة رؤى اقتصادية
Volume 11, Numéro 2, Pages 193-206

The Valorization Of Local Products In Arid Zones: Diagnosis Of A Small Business Producing Date Jam

Authors : Selt Mohammed Mostefa .


The objective of our work, is to try to understand the reality of small agro-food companies in arid zones, and this through an entity located in Messaad (wilaya of Djelfa) specialized in the manufacture and the marketing of the jam of dates, and to highlight, the valorization of the local agricultural products, as being an important lever, in order to be part of a logic of durability for the agricultural sector. The methodological approach of analysis used is that of the three E: company - entrepreneur - environment, where we have used some tools proposed by the field of entrepreneurship to better identify, the entrepreneur (profile and spirit to undertake), small business (strengths and weaknesses), and the environment (opportunities and threats). The observation has led us to confirm that entrepreneurship with the encouragement and support of this kind of nascent entrepreneurship, are the keystone to promote local products in these regions


valorization ; local produce ; small business ; arid zones ; date jam

Factors For Assessment Of Groundwater Vulnerability In Semi-arid And Arid Zones

Kerzabi R .  Mansour H .  Yousfi S .  Mudry J .  Benchaib A .  Bentoumi Ms . 
pages 187-203.