مقاربات في التعليمية
Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 168-186

ظاهرة الغش في الامتحانات المدرسية الجزائرية، النتائج والانعكاسات.

الكاتب : قوراري السعيد .


تهدف الدراسة إلى التحسيس بخطورة ظاهرة الغش قصد إصلاح الفرد الغاش وكذلك من أجل حماية حق التلميذ أو الطالب المجتهد من الضياع. فمن باب العدل والإنصاف أن يأخذ كل ذي حق حقه حتى يتسنى للفرد أن يعرف قدراته ومؤهلاته ويعمل وفقها، وهذا هو السبيل الأقوم لتقدم الوطن. فظاهرة الغش في الامتحانات المدرسية تعد من أخطر المشاكل التي يواجهها التعليم المدرسي الجزائري وأوسعها تأثيرا في حياة الطالب والمجتمع. يبدأ في الامتحانات وينتهي إلى كل مناحي الحياة، فلا شك أن الغش ظاهرة خطيرة وسلوك مشين والغش له صور متعددة وأشكالا متنوعة والذي أصبح يشكو كثير من المدرسين والتربويين من انتشاره، من الطور الابتدائي إلى المرحلة الجامعية. This study aims to raise awareness of the seriousness of the phenomenon of cheating aiming at reforming the cheaters, as well as at keeping the right of the student or pupil from being lost. It is fair for every person to have his or her right so that the one can be acquainted of his real capacities and qualifications and work according to them. Thus, the country can achieve progress. The phenomenon of cheating in schools is considered as one of the most serious problems facing the Algerian educational system, as well as the most affective on the student’s life and society. Generally, it begins in exams and ends in all aspects of life. Undoubtedly, cheating is a dangerous phenomenon and disgraceful behavior. It has multiple images and various forms, which most of teachers and educators became worried of moving this phenomenon from the primary level to the university one. Examinations school cheating phenomenon is unethical behavior so that it disturbs the educational process and destroys one of its main pillars, which is assessment. Moreover, cheating in exams is a forgery of evaluation results, which weakens the effectiveness of the educational system as a whole and impedes it of achieving its goals. Many interpret cheating in the framework of " the end justifies the means" in the sense that the student is forced to resort to it for one reason or another. More than that, it is interpreted by others as an avoidance attempt through which the student tries to relieve himself or herself from the pressure he or she might face if he or she fails in the exams

الكلمات المفتاحية

غش ; تعليم مدرسي ; امتحانات ; سلوك ; آثار ; Cheating ; Educational System ; Exams ; Behavior ; Effects