اللسانيات التطبيقية
Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 200-214

Präsenz-und Distanzlernen An Der Universität In Algerien: Tatsachen Und Aussichten

Auteurs : Nouah Mohamed .


Nowadays, the adoption of the new respectively digital media in German as a Foreign Language - teaching is not only seen as a resource to enhance the teaching and learning process, but also as a culture of teaching and learning to recognize other challenges. The combination of different forms of teaching can be perceived as a modern valuable teaching and learning strategy to provide a communicative atmosphere in the classroom and to obtain positive teaching and learning outcomes. From this, hybrid learning is considered as a connector between the classical and modern methods to reveal new teaching and learning perspectives. However, this learning concept is still a challenge in German as a Foreign Language - teaching in Algeria until today because of different backgrounds and some teaching and learning approaches should be taken into consideration in this regards.

Mots clés

Face-to-face learning ; distance learning ; learning motivation ; learning platform ; learning strategies.