Revue des matériaux et énergies renouvelables
Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 1-6

Estimation And Technico-economic Analysis Of The Wind Power Potential In North Of Cameroon

Authors : Dawoua Maxime . Sadam Alphonse . Miguiri Blaise .


An evaluation and a technico-economic study was conducted in this paper in the three cities of Cameroon on the wind potential. The model chosen is the model that takes into account the variation of the air density that varies with altitude. The technico-economic analysis is based on the wind energy. The results show that the cost per kWh varies with the city. By installing 6 Nordex wind turbines, this will help to solve the energy deficit problem in the North of Cameroon which has a good wind speed.


Evaluation ; Technico-economic ; Potential ; cost ; Wind Energy ; Air Density