Traduction et Langues
Volume 20, Numéro 1, Pages 146-156

Las Técnicas De Traducción Del Cuento Literario Y La Transmisión De Lo Cultural : El Caso Del Cuento Amazigh Traducido Al Español “cuentos Populares Del Rif Contados Por Mujeres Cuentacuentos” Translation Techniques Of The Literary Narratives And Transmission Of Cultural Matters : The Case Of The Amazigh Tale Translated Into Spanish "popular Tales Of The Rif Told By Female Storytellers"

Auteurs : El Koulali Salima .


This paper deals with the translation techniques or procedures used by the author Zoubida Boughaba Maalem to translate some stories collected in the Rif area. The fact of expressing a reality that is not the same for readers of the target language requires that we choose precisely the techniques used, especially when it comes to translating culturemes. After referring to the state of the Amazigh language in Morocco, we have chosen a methodology that consists of defining the translation process, since translation can be defined as an activity between languages, an artistic activity, it can focus on the nature of the text to be translated, or considered as communication. Regarding the translation methods that exist, we cite: the methods established by Katharina Reiss who classifies the texts into three types: informative, expressive, and operative; the methods established by House that divide the translation into two types, the concealed translation and the patent translation; the methods established by Amparo Hurtado that distinguishes between the interpretive-communicative method, the literal method and the free method; the methods established by Peter Newmark who differentiates eight of them: word-for-word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptation, free translation, idiomatic translation, and communicative translation. We can affirm that the author has used the interpretive-communicative method, because she always facilitates the understanding of the terms of her culture in order to establish a communicative relationship with the readers. Likewise, we have defined the term of culture as proposed by Terry Eagleton and Dik Hebdige, taking into consideration the classification of cultural words according to Newmark, which distinguishes between two types of words: universal and cultural. Regarding the domains, he thinks that they can be classified into: ecology, material culture, social culture, social organization, gestures and habits. The translation procedures used in this translation are those proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet such as borrowing, tracing, literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence, adaptation, amplification, explanation, omission, compensation, and other procedures apart that are the paraphrase, the neologism and the footnote. We have tried to highlight these techniques, giving the examples and justifying the choice.

Mots clés

Translation of literary Narratives; Popular tales of Rif; Amazigh tale Translated into Spanish; techniques; culture