مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 6, Numéro 23, Pages 76-88

جهود الأندلسيين في مجال الفلاحة: بين النظري والتطبيق

الكاتب : بلمداني نوال .


Ibn Aouam leaving an important farming science encyclopedia factors, stresses over him, this work book is the most important Arabic book of this kind, where scientific experiments have benefited from deep process and gave an accurate description of the about 585 species of plants, which said 55 varieties of fruit trees, to be so composed at thirty- five chapters, which started listi ng some generalities, then nature of land and fields and manure water, besides that he is an engineer in agriculture, informer article if we divided it up not included "Science of the soil, fertilizing the ground, plowing, irrigation, plants and trees and protection service, as it is well aware of Zoology" veterinary medicine ".

الكلمات المفتاحية

science-encyclopedia-work book-Arabic-benefited-description-plants-nature-agriculture