La Revue des Sciences Commerciales
Volume 14, Numéro 2, Pages 195-210

Les Réseaux Sociaux En Algérie : Véritable Levier Marketing

Auteurs : Saidani Amel .


The emergence of Web 2.0 and particularly social mediaistransformingcompanies and their marketing strategies, Thus, a new form of interaction iscreatedbetweencompanies and users.Today, manyfirms are present on socialmedia, this last,offersthem the possibilityto manage their image, to develop and enrichtheirexperience on the web marketthatoffersnew business opportunities. This new hub allowsbusinesses and consumers to exchange content and share information through collaborative platformsas Facebook, Twitter, etc .... The aim of this contribution is to demonstrate the interestthatmay have Algerian companies to integratethese new toolsintotheir marketing strategy.

Mots clés

Internet - Web 2.0 - Social-Media- collaborative platforms - opportunity - visibility – Strategy