Revue Nature et Technologie
Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 14-33

An Investigation Of The Practices Of Veterinarians And Breeders In The Prevalence Of Antibiotic Resistance In Poultry Farms In Algeria.

Authors : Merazi Yahya . Hammadi Kheira . Fedoul Firdaous Faiza .


The practices adopted by the breeder and the veterinarian are factors that influence resistance to antibiotics in poultry farms. The study aims to determine some of the applications of the veterinarian and the breeder. A survey was carried out among a group of 237 veterinarians in Algeria thanks to the interview and the online questionnaire. The pathologies affect the digestive system 37.87% and the respiratory system 35.95%. Respect the recent renewal of the litter 51.9%, food distribution conditions 51.48%, drinking water 45.15%, and ventilation 23.21%. Most veterinarians base their diagnosis on visual observation of symptoms and an autopsy. It only intervenes after a worsening of symptoms of 56.12%. The broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribed 56.54%. The case in which the first treatment was not effective 83.54%. The veterinarian is summoned more than once in the same herd 42.19% is that of 2 times per group. The treatment failure is resolved either by 28.27% prolongs the duration of treatment or by 20.68% increase the dose. The human causes of antibiotic resistance in broiler chickens were identified. Allowing to propose preventive measures, to manage and reduce the risks of antibiotic resistance.


Investigation ; Veterinary ; Breeder ; Antibiotic ; Antibiotic resistance.