Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 134-145

آليات المقاربة النقدية لازدواجية السارد والمؤلف لدى عبد المالك مرتاض والطاهر رواينية

الكاتب : خالدي خليفة .


Abstract: The basis for this study is to target the critical paradox in the mechanisms and procedures of some prominent researchers in the field of narratives and creative’s texts, especially the novelist ones. Her view, to settle this research by presenting two studies according to a specific critical approach. And if in this regard we are tracking the most Important achievements and what the critics ″Abd- Almalik Murtadh″ and ″Al-Taher rewainiyah″ did in order to achieve the mechanisms and analyzes that would make the other a narrator or distance him to be so, while being careful to identify the voices narrative, which is one of the manifestations to highlight the role of the other and the narrator in the work of fiction. And in front of this interaction between the narrating ego and the creative ego that drives the atmosphere of narration, we have nothing but to discern the nature of dies duality and its role in weaving the threads of fictional and fictional artistic work.

الكلمات المفتاحية

سارد مؤلف محكي