La Revue des Sciences Commerciales
Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 149-162

Diversification Et Valorisation Des Produits Oleicoles : Une Piste D’avenir Pour Un Developpement Local, Cas Du Secteur Oléicole De La Wilaya De Bouira

Auteurs : Bouyoucef-barr Djamila . Laouedj Ouardia .


Our research problem is about the matter of the economic diversification in the non-hydrocarbon sectors, which is a central issue of authority concerns. The ideais to contribute to a reflexion about possible improvements and innovations to support the olive oil industry, and by the way getting involved in the local development of Bouira area. In this sense, wewilltry to demonstrate practical recommendations to this issue, and to developide as about the role olive cultivation in the local development.

Mots clés

local development, olive cultivation, local products, diversification, Bouira.