المجلة الجزائرية التربية والصحة النفسية
Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 8-29

أي أدب نريد لأطفالنا؟... أهميّة التّفكير النّقديّ في المقاربات الأدبيّة دراسة تربويّة

الكاتب : عطالله سلمى .


At the end of the last century and the beginning of the current century, the world witnessed the emergence of many theories that establish methods of education that increase dependence on critical thinking. The importance and effectiveness of these educational methods are most evident in literary approaches, specifically in children's literature. Critical thinking is “being slow to give and suspend judgments until the matter is verified,” which is the use of logic to make decisions... And to learn to think means that we acquire all knowledge, but rather a skill for life. Good education must focus on critical thinking, in order for children to be armed with tools to use their innate abilities more effectively. The ability to perceive and understand develops with age and experience, and increases naturally during the child's maturity and his interaction with the surrounding environment that must be rich and stimulating to think... It has been found to us through the study of some models of children's literature that most of the questions focus on the extent of the cognitive skills of the learner, and he is also guided, direct, his answers are in the text, and therefore, do not require the learner to go beyond the text, to read between the lines to criticize ... There are no open questions or very weak presence, just as there are no methodologies for critical thinking, mainly the two methods of deduction and induction, and if any, they are truncated so that the conclusion, which is the most important part of it, is ready and there is no role for the learner in it ...

الكلمات المفتاحية

critical thinking ; children's literature ; a skill for life ; a stimulating environment ; cognitive skills ; critical skills