مجلة العلوم الإنسانية والإجتماعية
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 251-274

Gendered,discursive Practices Of Amgerian Female Engineers In Male Dominated-domain:a Look Into Gender And Females' Professional Identities

Authors : Ratoul Imen .


The present research focuses on women’s integration into male-dominated fields, it looks at the details of the complexities of workplace and engineering in particular that co-construct the discursive professional identities of female workers. Workplace mirrors the way gender perpetuates activities which are imposed by the “gendered discourses” appropriate to each culture and associated with the social conventions and ideologies that serve the dominant group of men in “musculinist ways” which are naturalized and hence accepted as the norm. Workplace as a context may explain people’s behaviour at work setting or even outside as social individuals. To this end, this work highlights women’s consciousness raising in the professional domain starts by giving account to their own lives and the barriers that face them to become workers and share their lived and day to day experiences with each other while struggling to gain their social status and share their problems as a result of social conventions and institutional norms.


gendered identity, discourse, engineering workplace, male- dominated domain, female engineers