لغة كلام
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 572-579

The Discourse Analysis Of The English For Business In The Context Of Computer-mediated Communication (cmc) The Case: Of E-mail Of Oran Shipping Company

Authors : Makouf Soumia .


Computer mediated communication is becoming the dominant medium of communication all over the world. E-mail has assumed functions which are in some cases associated with spoken language and in other cases with formal writing. Analyzing the emails discourse enables to investigate how the business English communication is shaped in the immediacy of real time written communication. The main steps to be considered in the present paper are first, to define the main concepts cited above starting with business English, the current study focuses on the use of English by non-native speakers in their written communication in a multinational context then to explore and identify the most relevant features of the discourse involved.


Business communication ; ESP ; CMC ; e-mail ; Business English