مجلة أبحاث ودراسات التنمية - Revue Recherches et Etudes en Développement -
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 05-20

تقييم الأنشطة التجارية في جنوب غرب نيجيريا في ضوء "منهاج المسلم" لأبي بكر الجزائري

الكاتب : Bello Khalid Ishola .


Commercial practice is every day activity in human society. Islam, in attempt to actualize socio-economic justice and brotherhood in human society, attend to commercial practices among others. Many practices are approved; some are condemned while many others are introduced. Thus, Islamic guidelines on commercial practices are highlighted in some sections of Minhaju’l-Muslim of Abubakr Al-Jazairi. The book is widely used in Nigeria Madaris to provide their students with Islamic principles on socio-economy and moral aspects of life. This paper examines commercial practice in the South-Western Nigerian with a view to comparing the findings with the Islamic ethics on such practices using the Minhaj as the yardstick. Questionnaire was generated from the Minhaj to elicit responses from the respondents who were randomly selected in some major markets in the area of study. The data collected were analyzed; many practices were in conformity to the Islamic teachings while some others were not.

الكلمات المفتاحية

التجارة ; السوق ; السلعة ; منهاج المسلم ; نيجيريا