Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 151-162

L’imaginaire Algerien De L’eldorado A Travers Les Espaces Binaires Dans Le Roman Rue Darwin De Boualem Sansal.

Auteurs : Lachachi Amina .


We propose in this article to highlight what migration presents in the novel Rue Darwin as experienced by the characters, and this, in terms of identity, religious and social. In this sense, we ask ourselves the following questions: how is this migratory theme approached from an internal and external point of view by the characters? What happens to identity in migration? In order to answer these questions, we consider the following working hypotheses. Migration would be a means of socio-professional success but also a possibility of identity delivery. It can also be an escape from failure that can be generated by the previous way of life.

Mots clés

migration ; destin ; échec ; réussite ; espaces binaires ; littérature algérienne