المجلة الجزائرية للدراسات السياسية
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 135-142

Public Policy: “concept Clarification, Genesis, Study, And Reflection On The Developing Countries Such As Algeria”

Authors : Bouzourine Nadjoua .


Public Policy is no doubt among the subjects; and fields; which currently recommend serious academic discussion and more communication not only in different institutions of higher education but even in mass media. Indeed, a lot has been said about it, but still not enough to give it the epithet of science. There is still a desperate need to settle the issues of: content, methodology, and objectives. Moreover, what makes the field vague and confusing is the terminology, and different connotations used to describe the concept of public policy and its levels such as: policymaking, implementation, evaluation and the like. For some scholars, “public policy”, singular, or “public policies”, plural is a science per se. For some others, it is the analysis which is supposed to be a science. It seems, then, stopping for a very long while to put some dots somewhere before going any farther is an inevitable and a necessary step. This paper hopes to clarify concept of public policy and tackle the genesis and evolution of public policy and its study, without forgetting to open a window for discussing the difficulties of studying public policies in developing countries such as Algeria.


Concept Clarification ; Public Policy ; Genesis ; Developing Countries ; Algeria ; Study ; Reflection