مجلة الإقتصاد الجديد
Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 165-184

دور الابتكار التسويقي في تحسين جودة الخدمة دراسة حالة مؤسسة موبيلييس .

الكاتب : Ismail Morad . Benhadou Fatouma .


This study aims to find out the role of marketing innovation in the quality of service at Mobilis institution, the study relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and data was collected using the questionnaire through seven elements of the mixed marketing service illustrated in (service, distribution, pricing, promotion, operations, individuals, Physical Environment), the form was distributed to a sample of 102 mobile phone customers. The study reached to several important conclusions, the most important among them the institution adopts innovation in the elements of the mixed marketing to improve the quality of the presented services and thereby gain customer satisfaction.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Mixed marketing service, innovation, marketing innovation, quality of service.