Applied Biology in Saharan Areas
Volume 2, Numéro 2, Pages 10-20

Energetic And Agricultural Valorization Of Natural Lagoon Treatment Plant Sludge By Batch Solar Digester

Authors : Boulal Ahmed .


This paper studies a solar collector digester experiment; which used a double glazing, this collector is used as a cover of the digester. We measured the temperature, degradation parameters pH, COD and biogas production in order to study the temperature influence due to the solar collector on the sludge degradation for biogas production, and the agricultural digestate valorization as well. The results show that the internal temperature of the solar digester was able to reach the range 33 - 46 ° C, which is close to the thermophilic range and it represents also a very favorable environment for microorganisms to generate biogas. The yield of biogas is 1.7L per 1L of the used substrate. This study proved that the efficiency is much higher (≈ 84 Q / Hect) in the case of the digestate use in agriculture than that of TSP (Triple Super Phosphate), more than that, it is a good solution because the TSP is a chemical fertilizer and aggressive on the environment


Sludge ; solar energy ; anaerobic digestion ; fertilizer