les cahiers du mecas
Volume 16, Numéro 2, Pages 445-454

أثر الطاقات المتجددة على النمو الاقتصادي دراسة قياسية لمجموعة من دول الـ Mena للفترة (9019-1620)

الكاتب : بن عامر يحي عماد الدين . بلمقدم مصطفى .


This study aims to evaluate the impact of renewable energy on the economic growth in the MENA countries by using fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS) and Toda-Yamamoto causality. We examined the connection between the electricity consumption from renewable energy source (cons) and the total fixed capital formation (k), and the gross domestic product(gdp). We concluded that both variables (cons) and (k) have a significant and positive impact on (gdp), while the Toda-Yamamoto causality confirmed the bidirectional causality among renewable energy and gdp, and one-way causality running from capital to gdp.

الكلمات المفتاحية

renewable energy ; economy growth ; FMOLS model ; Toda-Yamamoto causality ; MENA Countries