Revue Maghrébine des Langues
Volume 10, Numéro 1, Pages 26-41

إشكالات الترجمة المتخصصة: مصطلحات الإعلام الآلي للتسير أنمودجا

الكاتب : كرمة الشريف .


Translation plays an important role in the transfer of the meaning of concepts from one language to another under what is known the specialized translation. The good teaching and understanding of the language competence helps the translator and scholar to understand scientific and technical texts and the techniques used for translating different s specialized texts (economic, legal, medical an information. ..). This kind of translation enriches our cognitive background with concepts and terms and enhances our communicative efficiency. But the specialized translator faces serious problems affecting all levels of language, and especially the language of specialization. This paper sheds light on the problematic of specialized translation of informatics and management concepts from Arabic into French, English and vice versa.

الكلمات المفتاحية

إشكالات - الترجمة المتخصصة - مصطلحات الإعلام الآلي