مجلة المعارف للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية
Volume 4, Numéro 3, Pages 563-590

أسس الدولة الوطنية الفاعلة وعوامل قيامها في نوميديا الموحدة

الكاتب : السعيد قعر المثرد .


The article deals with the issue of depth and rise factors of the first nation state in Numidia as a political entity that has its clear and defined geographical features. It was also able to be influenced by the regional surroundings and affects on them ,it contributed to human civilization like all of its contemporary states.Although the most historical sources subjected Numidia as a secondary party of the conflict between Rome and Carthage, in the absence of Maghreb Historians or blur what they might have written and was burnt during the holocaust after the destruction of Carthage in

الكلمات المفتاحية

نوميديا ماسينيسا سيفاكد التحفّر الوحدة السيادة