Revue Maghrébine des Langues
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 147-153
Authors : Khaldi Anissa .
The present article discusses problems of translation from Arabic to English using the online machine translation system of Google. As Arabic and English are distant languages from two unrelated families, machine translation is bound to face many problems in producing coherent translations between these languages. This article is confined to diagnosing and analysing problems related to lexicon and syntax. The aim is to highlight the danger of relying blindly on Google’s online machine translation.
Problems - Arabic-English Machine Translation - Google’s Online Machine Translation System
ميسوم عبد القادر
ص 130-141.
Chelghoum Ahlem
pages 206-221.
Guessoum Ahmed
pages 10-20.
Bououden Rami
Kohil Saida
pages 543-560.
Benyahia Wissam
pages 139-155.