المجلة الدولية للاتصال الاجتماعي
Volume 2, Numéro 3, Pages 69-85
الكاتب : العربي بوعمامة . بن عمار خيرة سعيدة .
We search through this study in the social networks genology, which is intended to research the origin, history and origins of the topic. As the term “genealogy” in philosophical use is defined as: “an attempt to trace the origins of a subject from one of the topics, or an idea from ideas, and strive to perform a continuous historical analysis on the emergence, origin and development of this topic ...” We will first review the concept of social networks in anthropological studies Sociology, which mainly concerned social relations and ties between individuals within social groups.
: social networks, social networkin ، الشبكات الاجتماعية، التشبيك الاجتماعي ، انثروبولوجيا الاتصال ،علم الاجتماع الاتصال
زرقوط سارة
نوي شوقي
ص 217-230.
بن عوالي الجيلالي
عرابش زينة
بلمشري بشرى
ص 90-111.