Journal of social protection research
Volume 1, Numéro 0, Pages 23-44

Le Web 2.0 Au Service De L’intelligence économique. Quels Apports Aux Entreprises Algériennes ?

Auteurs : Saidani Abderrahmani Amal .


The development of information technology and communication have profoundly changed our relationship to information and also how to access them. The emergence of Web 2.0 has enabled companies to develop new interactive and participatory practices by putting the user in the heart of the dynamics of production and information sharing. He can now publish content, enrich it and also share it with others in networks or communities. Professionals in business intelligence have understood the importance of these developments in the process of collection and treatment of open sources say 2.0. It is now possible to deploy their business intelligence from the Web 2.0. We will see through this paper the contribution of web 2.0 practices business intelligence.

Mots clés

Business intelligence, Web 2.0, Information, Network.