La revue de la Communication et du Journalisme
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 31-45

The Use Of Electronic Sources Of Information In Scientific Research

الكاتب : بن عمروش فريدة .


The Internet provides various types of information and is used by many users to meet their needs. Despite the doubt of some researchers regarding the credibility of information published on the Internet, the number of users and Beneficiaries of available information is increasing day after day due to the high speed of the Internet and the immediate publication of information in all areas of life, especially with regard to scientific research. Information sources are the focus of information services because they determine the extent to which these services are effective in achieving the objectives of scientific research. Also, the more powerful, multi-dimensional, and varied the sources of information are, the more effective it is in meeting the objectives entrusted to it and supporting scientific research. Based on the above, this research paper aims to identify the nature of the use of electronic information sources among university professors at the University of Algeria 3 for the purposes of scientific research. Also to determine the satisfaction achieved from these uses.

الكلمات المفتاحية

use ; sources of electronic information ; scientific research ; internet