Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and Society (JSLCS)
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 143-148

Africa's Backwardness: The Danger Of Abusive Reference To Neo-colonialism

Authors : Taleb Wafaa .


Neo-colonialism can be said to be a new form of colonial exploitation and control of the new independent states of Africa, as well as other African states with fragile economies. Multinational corporations, such as petroleum and mining companies, are responsible for much of the neo-colonial influence in African countries in the early twenty-first century. Investment by multinational corporations enriches few in underdeveloped countries and causes humanitarian, environmental and ecological damage to their populations. These countries remain reservoirs of cheap labor and raw materials, while restricting access to advanced production techniques to develop their own economies. This paper reviewed the concept of Neo-Colonialism in Africa with a view to discuss the perpetuation of western interest and the subjugation of Africa long after the independence of African States from European powers. However, this paper also attempted to answer the following questions: is the current poverty of African countries the result of neo-colonialism? Would the abusive or erroneous reference to neo-colonialist intentions have the counterproductive effect of masking endogenous dysfunctions and hampering the capacity for action of Africa and Africans? It is time for African leaders to make the right choice between money and Africa.


Africa, colonialism, development, imperialism, neo-colonialism, poverty