مجلة الاداب واللغات
Volume 3, Numéro 12, Pages 99-112

تأملات نقدية في مغالطات إبراهيم مصطفى السقسطائية -كتاب مجاز القرآن لأبي عبيدة أنموذجا-

الكاتب : عمر بوقمرة .


Abstract: We have numerous renew Arabic grammar method, the most important two teams :the first Team adheres to the old dismissive of the approach of grammar in any way from the ways of the amendment, the second team aims to make substantial modifications to the rules of grammar, his statements, as a result of this conflict tried each team to collect evidence and arguments on the lawsuit, I have 100 noticed, and I read the book (grammar revival) to Ibrahim Mustafa, leader of second group, shows heartbreak and regret redundant on koran metaphor book to Abu Ubaidah Muammar ibn Muthanna of neglect and forget it has found, so I thought that advocates of renewal on his approach, and when i realized that it is not as alleged and claimed joints and deluded, and this article is diligent in that statement.

الكلمات المفتاحية

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