مجلة مدارات تاريخية
Volume 1, Numéro 5, Pages 306-320

الرّحلات الحجازية: رحلة أبي عبد الله الحُضَيكي أنموذجا Hijaz Journey : The Journey Of Abu Abdulah Al-hodaiki As A Model

الكاتب : رضوان الأهدب .


يعد أدب الرحلة أحد أهم فنون التأليف، وتشكل الرحلات الحجازية قطبا من أقطاب هذا الفن، وقد هدف هذا البحث إلى الكشف عن ملامح رحلة حجازية كان بطلها الفقيه المغربي "أبو عبد الله الحضيكي" الذي اشتاقت نفسه لزيارة البقاع المقدسة، فاستجاب له ربه وقيض له من يتكلف بنفقات حجه، فاغتنم الفرصة لتسجيل مشاهداته وأطوار رحلته في كتاب سماه: "رحلة إلى الحرمين". فكيف نسج خيوط رحلته، وحبك تفاصيلها؟ وما هي ملامح رحلته؟ وما الفوائد التي يقطفها قارئ الرحلة..؟ لتحقيق هدف البحث سلك الباحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي الذي تخلل العناصر الآتية: - التعريف ببطل الرحلة - التعريف بالكتاب الذي أرخ للرحلة - بيان خطة الرحلة ومسارها - إبراز الفوائد المتنوعة للرحلة ثم خلص الباحث إلى بعض النتائج عرضها في الخاتمة. The literature of the journey is one of the most important art of authorship, and Hijaz journeys constitute a pople of this art . The aim of this research was to reveal the features of a Hijazian journey whose hero was the Moroccan jurist Abu Abdullah al-Hodaiki, who longed to visit the holy sites, Allah responded to him and sent him someone to pay the charges of the pilgrimage. He took the opportunity to record his observations and stages of his journey in a book the called " A journey to the two holy Mosques" So, how did he organize every detail about his journey ? What are the features of his journey ? What are the benefits beyond reading such a work ? To achieve the purpose of this paper, the researcher a descriptive analytical method that contains the following elements : - Characterizing the journey's hero - Introducing the book that antedate to the journey - Depicting the journey's plan and its pathway - Highlight the various benefits of the trip Then the researcher came up to some of the results that he presented in the conclusion, including : - The journey of Abi Abdullah Al-Hodaiki is worshiping-scientific, wich indicates that worchip is only realized through science, and science must be followed by action. - The journey of Abu Abdullah Al-hodaiki is an imprtant source of literary texts : poetry and prose. - The style of Abi Abdullah Al-hodaiki is characterized by clarity, the beauty of expression, the simplicity of sentences, and avoiding affectation. - His dependence on the communicative function as a technique of narration adopted in the literature of journey's in order to raise the reader's attention. - The method of historical writing in the Al-hodaiki depends on observation and inseption, criticism, and scrutiny of description, and benefit from the books of Moroccan travellers. - His interest in the Hadiths, which led him to employ only correct or accepted Hadiths, and to ignore the Hadiths that have been set. - He was Maliki in Islamic jurisprudence and Acharii in the doctrine.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الرحلة الحجازية - حمد بن أحمد الحضيكي – الفوائد – الجوانب The Hijazian journey – Mohammed Bin Ahmed Al-hodaiki – Benefits – Aspects.