Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 67-92

الممارسات السحرية والعلاجية بالمغرب Magical And Therapeutic Practices In Morocco

الكاتب : حــم شرقــاوي .


ملخص شكل السحر واحدا من القضايا التي استحوذت علي تفكير الإنسان مند القدم ، وهو واحدا من المجالات الواسعة والخصبة التي يمكن تناولها من زوايا متعددة ، وذلك أنه وعلي الرغم من التقدم العلمي الذي أحرزه الإنسان في مجالات الحياة ، فانه لم يتخلص من المعتقدات والممارسات العلاجية الروحية ذات الصلة بالسحر والتي لم يتمكن التقدم العلمي والتقني الذي حققه الإنسان من تجاوزها، فالاعتماد علي السحر مازال قائما بكل ألوانه وصوره ومازال له حضوره الواسع في تفكير ومعتقدات الإنسان حتى اليوم ، باعتباره وسيلة عملية لها قدرها في تحقيق نجاح أي عمل يعجز عن تحقيقه ذلك الإنسان بالوسائل العملية المنطقية . Abstract Witchcraft, believing in superstations’ power and continuing experimenting with ceremonial magic are supposed to represent the old era that has been stated in many books and incidents in the history. Which affected human thinking and make human mind deeply believes in the power of witchcraft. However, under the study that we have now, many people may think that the ceremonial magic no more exist in our screenager society because of the progress and the development of technology and the change of our daily life style. Indeed, the majority of people nowadays have a certain point of view, which represent the continuity of homogeneous incidents, and series of ceremonial magic appears to be exist in many areas. For this reason, to avoid any ambiguity in that regard. Magic should be discussed from multiple angles. This study will shed the light on the disturbing situation that has been clearly revealed in our community. Despite the scientific progress that humans have made in the fields of life, he has not rid himself of beliefs the therapeutic practices of magic that the scientific and technical progress of man has not been able to overcome. Reliance on ceremonial magic is still in all its colors. It continues to have his broad presence in the thinking and beliefs of man, as a practical means of his value in achieving the success of any action that he cannot achieve by a Logical process.

الكلمات المفتاحية

كلمات مفتاحية: السحر، العلاج الشعبي، الممارسة السحرية، العملية السحرية، الطقوس ; Keywords: Witchcraft, magic, popular treatment, magical practices. Rituals