Volume 6, Numéro 2, Pages 368-389

The Policy Of Double Standards In The Work Of The Un Security Council.

Authors : Bououn Ahmed .


The Council's work proves this, and this body often threatens the measures of Chapter VII, which is confirmed by its distinctive character. Despite the gravity of its documents and its compatibility with the characteristics of international organizations, the only criticism that can be drawn to this narrow interpretation is that it does not take into consideration the two options given to it by the Security Council in Article 39 , so that it may take unilateral actions in the form of recommendations or decisions. Thus, we can maintain this narrow interpretation, taking into account the distinction between the Council's decisions under Chapter VII of the recommendations and resolutions. Accordingly, the definition we will adopt for the term "decisions" in the context of this research is the following: "The set of unilateral acts or solutions of the reporting nature of the Security Council adopted by Chapter VII". This definition raises a number of questions related mainly to the criterion of differentiation in the Council, which is the crux of this chapter between what decisions and what recommendations , especially since we will study a process limited to decisions only. That this issue is not purely theoretical but has been observed and raised many times in practice, the question was asked, when can talk about the decisions of the Security Council? What are the indications that a unilateral act taken by the Security Council in Chapter VII constitutes a "decision"?


International organizations - the United Nations Organization - the Security Council - the double standard - politically solving international disputes