Volume 20, Numéro 1, Pages 353-362

Cognitive Translation And The Creation Of Meaning

Authors : Bouhassoun Azzeddine .


The power of words and the tyranny of thought create a maze of critical alternatives in the creation of meaning. This is jointly torn off by the translator’s own cultural competence and the tyranny of the socio-cultural layers that the text regularly produces. Cognitive functions in translation are not confined to the linguistic contact with a text, but they go further deep in pithy cognitive functions that embrace the reception of the translation output. Creation of meaning in a literary text is extended to the translator’s apprehension and decision-making. The translation act comprises three stages that do not seem to occur simultaneously but in an endlessly circular movement. In a text founded on expressiveness, the cognitive function embraces the creation-creativity aesthetic, emotions and mood. Decoding is not only a psychological cognitive phenomenon but a social construction as well. It is a process that stems in reading, traverses the linguistic bridges, and matures in the written composition. The major question our article tries to answer is: Do Cognitive Functions of Translation embrace the reception of the translation output?


Translation ; Cognitive translation ; reception ; emotions ; simulation and creativity ; meaning ; decision-making