Volume 2, Numéro 3, Pages 49-68

الخطاب الإعلامي وإدارة الأزمات مقاربة نقدية تحليلية إشراف: أ.د بن عمر يزلي

الكاتب : محمد صوفي . بن عمر يزلي .


Since ancient times disasters stay a major challenge to human societies that have suffered and still suffer from their effects on human beings and property. As much as it turned the world into the future and take advantage of scientific and technological development, as far people to feel security, protection, and freedom from fear and anxiety. As far as disasters are the state's attention, they are attracting, they attention of the mass media, this means that they put on the different types and orientations to ensure extensive media coverage, depending on the size and seriousness of the disaster itself. Advantage of the media state of tension and the need of people to information and questions through its role catalyzed the transfer of news and information and explain the importance of the events, and as much as media interest in the disaster (growing public attention to these means). It has allowed advances in technology to take in all the events held across the world to collect transfer information, and dissemination of high-speed compared with what was in the TV in this regard, a prominent place among the various mass media because it depends on the image and sound together, and because today's world in the eyes of many researchers is «world of image». The role of more effective and more extensive and reference than with the rest of the media, and the examples in this regard. شكل الكوارث منذ القدم تحديا كبيرا للمجتمعات البشرية التي عانت ولا تزال تعاني من مخلفاتها وأثارها على الإنسان وممتلكاته، فبقدر ما اتجه العالم نحو المستقبل والاستفادة من التطور العلمي والتكنولوجي، بقدر ما اتسعت دائرة التهديدات الناجمة عن الكوارث والأزمات واتسعت معها حاجة الناس إلى الشعور بالأمن والحماية، والتخلص من الخوف والقلق.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الكوارث، تسيير الأزمات، الاعلام، الخطاب الاعلامي، النشاط البشري. media, media discourse, human labor, management of crisis